Spring is around the corner, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop practicing the sports you love. Basketball season is in the winter, so it may have been a couple months since you have played on a team, but that’s no reason to give up and spend the summer months not maintaining and enhancing your skills. Participating in a basketball camp and having the support of a basketball coach to keep you motivated during repetitive drills can be just what you need to push through the summer and go back to school in the fall feeling more confident about your playing than ever.
APRIL 3RD – 7TH, 2017
If you want to continue learning new skills and strengthening your dexterity with the ball, join Mike Scott’s basketball league this April.
Summer basketball camps are a great chance to keep practicing skills needed to play a competitive game during the season. It can be challenging to stay motivated during the off-season, but Mike Scott will push each player to work hard so that proficiency is not lost during the summer. Mike Scott will also bring a healthy balance of fun while playing basketball as well as a strong work ethic to build character in every student.